Men's Group

Friday Morning Bible Study!


This is your weekly reminder that the group will meet on Friday 7:00a.m. - 8:00 a.m. at Houston's (West Paces & Northside Dr).

Our format is, after fellowship, to meet in small groups with table leaders that use the Revised Common Lectionary to discuss the Christian faith & contemporary issues. All are welcome and you do not need to be Episcopalian to attend.

Weekly Resources to Check Out:

The Lectionary commentaries and exegesis materials

We start at 7:00 a.m. in the bar with coffee & refreshments. If you would like to host hospitality please contact Jack Sickling. At 7:15 a.m. we go to the tables for 40 minutes of small groups and then we end with 5 minutes of prayer for the concerns of those at each table.

Our covenant to one another is to attend regularly, to recruit new attendees, and to be respectful by sharing time talking. We will usually not meet on holiday weekends, but will meet informally at the Caribou Coffee (across the parking lot from Houston's) for those so inclined.

Our objective is to know Christ better and to make Christ known so we can grow in faith!

Yours in Christ,
Jack Sickling