Thursday, September 26, 2013

Sunday, September 29: Round-table discussion on creation and our "purpose"

Join the conversation this Sunday as we share a round-table discussion, looking back on the past few weeks of our conversation:

- What is human nature?
- How do we understand creation?
- How do we understand God the Father/Creator?
- What are we created for?

This "extra Sunday" in September will give us a chance to reflect on where we are now in our conversation.

What questions are still lingering in you?

What new images do you have from what others have shared in the Forum?

We will also have a chance to reflect on stewardship as a practice which embodies our participation with God in God's mission....linking with our "purpose."

So, the conversation is good!
Come join it!!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

For September 22: "What are we created for?"

Come join the discussion at the Sunday Forum on September 22 as we reflect on "What are we created for?"
Using the ancient contemplative frameworks of Purgation --> Illumination --> Union, along with added richness from inter-religious dialogue--we will explore what many consider the "purpose" of our existence.
(I'm not going to spoil it for you here!)

We'll also use the Labyrinth, an ancient practice of walking meditation, as a metaphor for the journey to salvation, the path to wholeness and fulfillment.

So, come and explore with us as we continue this series of rich conversations!

Fr. Stuart

Friday, September 13, 2013

For September 15: Exploring the truth in our creation myths

Come continue the rich conversation on creation--and how we understand the Creator--in the Sunday Forum.

When we look at how we understand creation--our creation myth--we seek to delve into the truth about ourselves and our image of God. How does our exploration of the mythology of creation connect with our reflections on Faith and Life--the over-arching theme of the forum series?

We will explore questions such as these:

"How can it be true if it's a myth?"

How do we seek to use the creation myths for our own purposes?

Come join the rich conversation!
Sunday mornings, 9:15 in the parish hall