The Circle

Every Tuesday, from 6:30 to 8:00 pm, The Circle gathers in the Conference Room at St. Benedict's.

In an effort to engage more intentionally in contemplative practices, we meet together to share a time of meditation and reflection.
No previous experience with meditation is necessary to join, and anyone can come at anytime. You will find that regular attendance helps enormously in the development of your own spiritual practice.

We share in times of silent meditation, breath meditation, guided visualization, chanting, and mantras. Each week, anyone who feels led can bring an article, poem, or writing to share, and we reflect together on how we can cultivate a space for openness to the Spirit's Presence in our lives.

Join us for this ongoing contemplative experience!

For more information on meditation within the Christian Tradition, click the link at the right of the home page that will take you to the World Community for Christian Meditation.